
Briefing Book
Gopi is a founding member of Briefing Book, a collaboration among economists with research and policy experience that aims to help its readers develop informed views about economic policy issues. Briefing Book publishes regular posts on a wide array of policy topics and is read by a community of academics, policymakers and journalists.

Selected media coverage
Trump’s Tax-Cut Proposal Shakes Up Social Security Debate, The Wall Street Journal, September 2024.
How economists could make themselves more useful, Financial Times, April 2024.
More Americans are retiring than ever before. See what that means for you. The Washington Post, July 2023.
Covid-19 Illnesses Are Keeping at Least 500,000 Workers Out of U.S. Labor Force, Study Says, The Wall Street Journal, September 2022.
In ‘Great Resignation,’ some are retiring early but delaying Social Security, The Washington Post, November 2021.
Fears Obamacare Would Be a Job Killer Were Wrong, Study Finds, The Wall Street Journal, July 2017.
The Two Biases that Keep People from Saving Money, The Atlantic, July 2016.
Investing for Your Future Health Care, The New York Times, March 2016.

Policy and issue briefs
The financial status of entitlement programs: what the headlines miss, May 2024 (with Emma Casey).
How could health insurance change with the 2024 election? March 2024 (with Emma Casey).
How can we strengthen the direct care workforce? December 2023 (with Aaron Sojourner).
How can societies prepare for an aging population? October 2023.
Improving health care access for low-income Medicare beneficiaries - The Hamilton Project, October 2023 (with Jason Brown).
Strengthening the Social Security safety net, April 2023 (with Andrew Biggs).
How Should Women Think about Social Security Decisions?, November 2022 (with Melinda Morrill).
Excess Mortality during the Pandemic: The Role of Health Insurance, July 2022 (with CEA staff).
Reducing the Economic Burden of Unmet Mental Health Needs, May 2022 (with CEA staff).
Care Businesses: A Model that Doesn't Work for Providers, Workers, or Families, April 2022 (with CEA staff).
Mechanisms Behind Retirement Saving Behavior: Evidence From Administrative and Survey Data, February 2018 (with Matthew Levy, Colleen Manchester, Aaron Sojourner, and Joshua Tasoff).
How Do Distributions from Retirement Accounts Respond to Early Withdrawal Penalties?, June 2017 (with Damon Jones and Shanthi Ramnath).
The Role of Exponential-Growth Bias and Present Bias in Retirement Savings, May 2015 (with Matthew Levy, Colleen Manchester, Aaron Sojourner, and Joshua Tasoff).
How Do Retirement Income Projections Affect Saving Behavior?, February 2014 (with Colleen Manchester and Aaron Sojourner).
Do Income Projections Affect Retirement Saving?, April 2013 (with Colleen Manchester and Aaron Sojourner).
Does Understanding the Relation Between Retirement Contributions and Future Monthly Income Encourage Savings?, February 2012 (with Colleen Manchester and Aaron Sojourner).
Health Care Spending and the Federal Budget, July 2011.
Long-Term Care Financing: Is Increasing Insurance Coverage Good Policy?, May 2010.