Policy Citations
OMB Circular No. A-4: Explanation and Response to Public Input, November 2023.
U.S. Families' Experiences of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from the Survey of Consumer Finances | Federal Reserve Board, October 2023.
2023 Economic Report of the President, March 2023.
Social Security: Potential Impacts of Changes in Computation Years | CRS, December 2022.
Speech by Chair Powell on inflation and the labor market | Federal Reserve Board, December 2022.
Pension Benefit Statements-Lifetime Income Illustrations Interim Final Rule | DOL-EBSA, September 2020.
Saving for Retirement: Household Decisionmaking and Policy Options| CRS, July 2020.
RETIREMENT SECURITY: Income and Wealth Disparities Continue through Old Age | GAO, August 2019.
Consumer insights on managing funds at the time of retirement | CFPB, June 2017.
Issue Brief Three: The Economic Security of Older Women | US Treasury Department, January 2017.
SOCIAL SECURITY: Improvements to Claims Process Could Help People Make Better Informed Decisions about Retirement Benefits | GAO, September 2016.
How Much Nursing Home Care Can Home Equity Finance? | ASPE, March 2016.
RETIREMENT SECURITY Shorter Life Expectancy Reduces Projected Lifetime Benefits for Lower Earners | GAO, March 2016.
Social Security Policy Options | CBO, December 2015.
Utility and Effectiveness of the Long-Term Care Savings Plan | Nebraska Legislature Performance Audit Committee, November 2015.
2016 Expiring Tax Credits | State of Oregon Legislative Revenue Office, February 2015.
Why Has Growth in Spending for Fee-for-Service Medicare Slowed? | CBO, August 2013.
Pension Benefit Statements - Advanced Notice of Proposed Rulemaking | DOL-EBSA, May 2013.
A Review of Selected Tax Expenditures | State of Minnesota House Research and Fiscal Analysis Department, March 2009.